Collaborate, don't compete - Leigh Bezuidenhout
WOMANITY - my dream, my brainchild, my passion and reason.
For a very long time, my career in skincare has allowed me to integrate into a network of women from all spheres of life. All bustling about with their ‘normals’, but the common thing I shared with each of them was a deeper connection through skincare discussions - and a place of being vulnerable and seeing them, in their rawest, most gorgeous state of natural beauty.
Over time I began to realize that each time I have started a skincare clinic I have a plethora of incredible women who simply don’t know each other - And then my mind began do these women not know the network on their doorsteps?
Imagine a conference where I could bring all of the women I knew to one place to share my message? The message of collaborate, don’t compete, and those women brought their women, and so it went on..imagine!
In 2015 I took a great leap of faith, and went for it. We have hosted the most incredible events in The Karoo, Graaff Reinet, and now The KZN Midlands and surrounds. I have watched beautiful relationships and friendships developed through each event, and I will continue with them going forward. If you would like to attend our next event, please click on the below link to join us.